Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions)


4.00pm 26 November 2020


virtual Via Microsoft Teams



decision list



Part One





Corona virus update report - Licensing



Contact Officer:

Jim Whitelegg

Tel: 01273 292438


Ward Affected:

All Wards




RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of the report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.






Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Consultation response report 2020



Contact Officer:

Jim Whitelegg

Tel: 01273 292438


Ward Affected:

All Wards




RESOLVED – That the Committee agree the Revisions to the Statement of Licensing Policy as follows:


(1)  Maintain the current cumulative impact policy and zone and publish the Cumulative Impact Assessment;


(2)  Expand the Special Stress Area (SSA) to cover Preston Road and Beaconsfield Road (up to Stanford Avenue);


(3)  Include Marina into “Other areas” of the Matrix to reflect the increased number of residential properties;


(4)  To amend the “Café” category of the Matrix by reducing the terminal time to 10pm for the sale of alcohol within the special stress area;


(5)  Shopping parades - Amend note 8 of the Matrix to “In an area where there are already several existing off-licences or where the premises is situated within a parade with another off licence and where representations are received about negative cumulative impact on the licensing objectives of a further premises, the application may be refused on these grounds or restrictions placed on the terminal hour to reflect opening hours of other shops.”


(6) Alcohol in shared workspaces - Amend note 10 of the Matrix to clarify that Non-alcohol led category does not include “alcohol in shared workplaces”. These type of premises are considered unique. It is recommended that sale of alcohol in shared workspaces should have a terminal hour of no later than 10pm. For further advice and guidance on “alcohol in shared workplaces. For further advice and guidance on “alcohol in shared workplaces” please see paragraph 3.3.5-3.3.7”;


(7) Shadow Licences – add a new shadow licences section 3.10 to revised policy with advice, guidance and possible conditions;


(8) Alcohol Delivery – amend the Off-Licence section 3.5.5-3.5.8 of the revised policy with suggested conditions;


(9) That the revised Statement of Licensing Policy is referred to Full Council for adoption. See Appendix A for a copy of the revised statement of licensing policy and cumulative impact assessment (CIA).






Schedule of Appeals



RESOLVED – That the contents of the schedule be received and noted.






Schedule of Reviews



RESOLVED – That the contents of the schedule be received and noted.